Experience Exceptional Dental Care With Our Advanced Dentistry Services.
Don't let chipped or discolored teeth affect your self-confidence. Restore and repair damaged teeth with a crown.
Severe dental trauma can cause immense pain and damage to your teeth, resulting in the need for a root canal. Our root canal services will treat the affected tooth.
Improve your smile with our dental bonding services. Bonding is a great option to restore teeth without the need for a dental implant.
Permanently replace missing teeth and restore your smile with dental implants. Our long-lasting implants ensure the health of your teeth and gums.
The software we use for digital dentures results in a precise fit. We can create dentures with an accurate smile line and spacing.
Achieve the smile of your dreams without undergoing invasive treatment. Our expertly crafted veneers are natural-looking and made using high-tech tools.
Brighten your smile and boost your confidence with our tooth whitening services. Get results in just a few sessions.
Straighten your teeth without the hassle of traditional metal braces. Invisalign® aligners are easy to use and comfortable to wear.
Enjoy a beautiful, pain-free smile with our dental Botox services. With dental Botox, your dentist treats problems related to your oral health like TMJ syndrome.
We stay up to date on the latest innovations in the dental field. Some of the advanced technology we have in our office includes:
At Advanced Smiles Marion, we believe that everyone has the right to receive dental care services. We work closely with our local community, providing them with the dental care they need to have a healthy smile.
Our staff believes that clinical dentistry should be delivered at the highest level of care. We work tirelessly to stay ahead of the curve with our skill development and continued education.
Our team is comprised of highly qualified individuals that are committed to patient care. Dr. Kyle Bogan has received numerous awards throughout his career as a dentist. He's also a fellow in the International College of Dentists (FICD). Only 3% of dentists worldwide have received this distinction.
For five-star dental care in Marion, look no further than Advanced Smiles Marion. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and to learn more about our advanced dentistry services.
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